
RE: Schroeder e Merkel reivindicam vitória (II)

De qualquer forma o impasse político é claro. E isto terá repercussões económicas. Já agora, também do Financial Times:

Business leaders voice anxiety over election deadlockBy FT reportersPublished: September 19 2005 12:52 Last updated: September 19 2005 12:52
Analysts and business leaders on Monday were anxious to see a resolution to Sunday’s election deadlock, urging chancellor Gerhard Schröder’s Social Democratic Party and Ms Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union to resolve the political chaos quickly. Most voiced hopes that an early resolution would help minimise instability in German and European markets.

In http://news.ft.com/cms/s/9bffe688-28fa-11da-8a5e-00000e2511c8.html

É importante que se defina o futuro político alemão rapidamente, senão toda a economia europeia se ressentirá.